Events Calender

          Users can use the xml, ics, or http links on this page to import our calendar into their device. The specific directions for this depends on what phone, app, and operating system version is being used. Because there are many options we cannot provide answers for every phone.

For iPhone:
1.   Tap the “Settings” app on your iOS device’s Home screen.
2.   Select “Mail, Contacts, Calendars,” then tap “Add Account” in the Accounts section.
3.   Tap “Other,” then tap “Add Subscribed Calendar.”
4.   Enter the ICS calendar’s address in the “Server” field.
5.   Tap “Next,” then enter a name for the calendar in the Description field.
6.   Tap “Save” to add the calendar to the Calendar app.

For Android
        There are apps that will import ics/xml files to the calendar.  One is  You can copy and paste this into any feed reader.
